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is a Sanskrit word which means “the science of life”.  This knowledge originated in India more than 5,000 years ago and is often called the “mother of all healing.”  It places emphasis on prevention and encourages maintaining health by paying close attention to balance in one’s own life through diet, lifestyle, and herbs. It empowers one to understand how to create balance between the body and mind according to one’s individual constitution (prakruti) as well as how to maintain balance through the seasons and life cycles based on one’s current constitution (vikruti).

Our constitutions are made up of the three Doshas, which are a central element of Ayurveda and the basis of a personalized approach to health.  The three doshas are; Vata, Pitta, Kapha; each derived from the 5 elements and representative of a unique blend of physical, emotional, and mental characteristics inherent in every individual.

 Benefits of Ayurveda

help bring balance to the physical & subtle bodies

help disease prevention

create self-care routines

healthy skin & hair

reduce stress & anxiety

reduce inflammation

revitalize energy

weight loss and maintenance

improve concentration

enhance your connection to spirit/essence


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Single Session

in-person or online via zoom

During this session, we will address your health goals, and gather information by assessing all aspects of your health for a complete picture of your mind-body system. 

You’ll receive personalised wellness recommendations with practices to implement into your daily routines.  This includes diet and lifestyle guidance, herbs, and recipes to get you started on your wellness journey.


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Follow Up

in-person or online via zoom

Following up after initial intake is ideal for someone looking to commit to their wellness transformation. It can be an important component to assess progress and make any adjustments as needed. Usually these are scheduled 2-4 weeks apart. 

Please inquire about pricing & packages.